
Everything's Brilliant In Leeds


The Guardian has a nice feature on the up-and-coming bands in Leeds, including ATYMS favourites Duels (anyone who does not have Potential Futures in heavy rotation is subject to immediate investigation and possible court martial).

"Britpop was a musical awakening for us," says Duels singer Jon Foulger, a sharp, thoughtful young man obsessed with lost jewels of British pop such as the Pretty Things' SF Sorrow album and 1960s-era David Bowie. "That was the time we discovered those bands and went back to that music." Duels have also inherited Britpop and Mod's sense of glamour, attending rehearsals in suits and - for keyboardist Katherine Botterill - skirts and fishnets. "You have to live it, don't you?" asks bassist Jon Maher. "We were at a festival and saw this bunch of blokes in T-shirts. Then just before they went on stage they put suits on and 'became' Interpol. I was a bit disappointed by that."

Of the other bands highlighted, the most promising appear to be The Lodger, who are described as "a more bitter and twisted Housemartins, or early James," and The Research, a "West Yorkshire Beach Boys."


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