
Pop Songs Of The Summer, Part II

Very few bands in history have released a couple of great singles and a classic debut album, only to follow that up a mere few months later with a song that is even better than anything they have released before. The Stone Roses did it with Fool's Gold, and The Libertines did it with Don't look Back into the Sun, and now the Arctic Monkeys have done it with their incredible new single, Leave Before the Lights Come On. Unfortunately, it appears there is not yet a video of this song to post, but if you have not heard it, proceed immediately to the incomparable Untouched By Work Or Duty. UPDATE: Domino just posted the video here.

In the meantime, check out videos for three more phenomenal new releases currently in heavy rotation at Casa Hugo. I personally guarantee that at least one of these videos will make you very happy. Make sure to watch them all repeatedly for maximum effect.

Peter, Bjorn & John -- Young Folks

Mareva Galanter -- Pourquoi Pas Moi

The View -- Wasted Little DJs